Concert Safety: Secure & Enjoyable Experience

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The live music industry offers some of the most exciting experiences out there. Seeing your favorite artists live and getting lost in the music is often a high like no other. However, in the wake of recent events such as new Covid variants and the Astroworld tragedy, we’ve been reminded just how important concert safety is.

From growing uncertainty around the pandemic to unease about being in large crowds, it’s a better time than ever to brush up on concert safety practices. Below, we’re going to cover some recommended Covid mitigation measures along with general concert safety tips to ensure that your night out can stay focused on the music.

COVID-19: Is it safe to go to a concert during the pandemic?

In the early days of the pandemic, the live music industry pretty much shut down entirely, and with good reason. Social distancing was nearly impossible at the time, and still a relatively new concept. As we learned more about the virus, we learned that singing could expel virus-infected droplets in the air. This means that concerts, especially indoor concerts, can be potential super spreader events.

With the availability of vaccines, many Americans feel comfortable enough to resume attending large events, including indoor and outdoor concerts and music festivals. But just how safe is it to attend a concert right now?

There’s no short and sweet answer to this. It all depends on your level of precautions, whether the venue is indoors or outdoors, how well other attendees have been exercising caution, among many other factors often out of your control.

Broadly speaking, if you are a relatively healthy adult with no comorbidities, are fully vaccinated and boosted, and remain masked up throughout the entire event, you’re more likely to be safe. Once again, however, it’s extremely important to emphasize that this depends on whether you, the venue, and other patrons adhere to proper precautions.

The emergence of additional variants is shaking these recommendations up. Ultimately, depending on the mandates in your area, it’s up to you to decide whether it is safe or responsible to attend a specific event.

Covid-Specific Precautions to Take at a Concert

It’s important to recognize that there will always be a risk of transmission when attending large social gatherings such as concerts. If you decide to attend, there are several precautions you can and should take to protect yourself and those around you.

  • Make sure you’re fully vaccinated. We know you’ve probably heard this a million times by now. Vaccines remain our best tool to limit spread, reduce infection risk, and lessen illness severity if caught. With the rise of the Delta and Omicron variants, make sure to get boosted too. Making sure you’re up to date on your yearly flu shot can also help lessen the strain on local hospitals.
  • Try to stick to outdoor venues. We understand that choice of venue is often out of your control, but if the choice arises, opt for locations that are outdoors.
  • Check venue and seating capacities. Depending on your level of risk, it may be a good idea to check and see if the venue is running at reduced capacity or offering social distancing in their seating. This will likely vary due to local mandates and venue or artist discretion.
  • Get tested, even if you’re vaccinated. While vaccines remain an effective tool in fighting the pandemic. It’s still very possible to catch the virus and become an asymptomatic carrier. If available to you, using rapid tests to ensure you’re not infected shortly before (and after) an event can give you peace of mind.
  • Stay home if you’re not feeling well. This one should go without saying. While we understand that having to make a last-minute decision to stay home from a highly anticipated event is not a fun situation to be in, it’s the responsible thing to do.
  • Stay masked. Regardless of local mandates, try to stay masked as much as possible. You’re still attending an event in a large crowd where social distancing will be difficult to enforce. Try to limit unnecessary eating and drinking.

General Concert Safety Tips

It’s also important to have a concert safety plan that extends beyond Covid mitigation measures. While staying safe at a concert might seem like common sense. It’s a good idea to plan for emergencies beforehand, as things can get chaotic in the moment.

Below are several steps you can take to stay safe:

  • Know your surroundings. Situational awareness is a key component to any safety plan. Some venues can be especially tricky or convoluted. So, you may want to look at a map or floor plan before you go. This allows you to have a general idea of how the location is laid out before you arrive. Once you get there, be sure to read the venue. Take note of any exits and where staff and security are located. Don’t be afraid to speak up if you see something out of the ordinary.
  • Try not to go alone. If possible, try to go with a friend or in a group. Otherwise, try to socialize with concertgoers you feel comfortable with. Bonding with the people around you could lead to a network of support in the event of an emergency.
  • Stay hydrated. With all the dancing, screaming, and jumping around, it’s easy to get dehydrated at a concert. Be sure to drink plenty of water before and after the show.
  • Watch your drinks and belongings. If you’re of age, always keep an eye on your beverage to reduce the risk of someone slipping something into it. Make sure your ID, credit cards, money, and other valuables are on your person at all times. The more concealed the better and try to avoid using your back pocket.

We hope these tips provide some guidance on how to attend a concert safely in the age of Covid and beyond. Contact us today for more information on throwing successful, Covid-safe events!

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Choura Events: An Experience Company. Building pretty is easy. Building with purpose takes guts. Amongst an industry of order-takers, we don’t fit in. We find out. We’re after the moments that can’t be replicated. The events that transcend walls and transform individuals. To learn more visit us at, call us at (310) 320-6200 or email us at Follow us on Social Media:

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