Experiential Marketing Plays a Major Role in 2023

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The Shift from Traditional to Experiential Marketing

As traditional marketing goes by the wayside, many brands turn to experiential marketing to align with their target audience and drive purchases. According to Event Marketer, nearly 90% of event marketers are now focused on in-person events. That means brands will be finding different ways to activate, market and engage with their audiences whether that be through pop-ups, fabricated set ups or exhibit booths, or mobile activations.

Experiential Marketing: Engaging Consumers in Real-Time

Experiential marketing allows brands to directly engage with the consumers one on one, inviting them to experience the brand in real-time. These experiences help to create a personal interaction with their audience gaining buy-in to what the brand is trying to get across. It’s clear consumers are dying for that connection and creating memories, so it’s important for brands to be able to produce experiences that drive positive brand sentiment and influence customer to purchase. According to Forbes, “98% of users feel more inclined to purchase after attending an activation. The human touch and immersive experience goes a long way for brands, and pays off in the long run.” That’s important information for brand marketers to keep in mind as they develop their experiential marketing strategy.

Experiential Marketing vs. Traditional Digital Marketing

Unlike traditional forms of digital marketing like paid media, conversion rate optimization, or SEO which focus on driving or improving traffic, experiential marketing is a strategy that completely immerses customers’ experiences with a product or service.

Understanding the Intent of Millennials and Gen Z in Experiential Marketing

Another thing to note is the intent of Millennials and Gen Z who account for over 42% of the world’s population. These generations are proven to be more likely to spend money on experiences more than material goods. So, even if you are a product, considering an experience to sell your item will likely draw more sales than trying to make a cold sale to your customer.

A few tips we would suggest when thinking about your fabricated footprint:

Be Different: Among countless brands, choose a partner that encourages innovative thinking. Approach your strategy with uniqueness and focus on what sets you apart.

Have a Purpose: The direction you pick must serve a clear purpose. It should live up to your promises and satisfy your audience’s needs.

Remain Authentic: Authenticity in branding is paramount. If your brand isn’t authentic, you risk damaging your credibility. Your design should align with your goals, fostering positive engagement with your audience.

Preserve Consistency: This point is critical. Your creation should consistently deliver a congruent visual and verbal message. A clutter of elements could obscure and dilute your core message.

Check out our experiential builds here. We’ll be waiting for your call!

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Choura Events: An Experience Company. Building pretty is easy. Building with purpose takes guts. Amongst an industry of order-takers, we don’t fit in. We find out. We’re after the moments that can’t be replicated. The events that transcend walls and transform individuals. To learn more visit us at https://www.choura.co, call us at (310) 320-6200 or email us at info@choura.co. Follow us on Social Media:

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