Event Production with Heart and Significance

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The Importance of Purposeful Event Production

Many events lack purposeful and meaningful event production, missing opportunities to create impactful experiences. They aren’t spending enough time thinking about the full experience. Charity events often involve seated dinners and auctions, a familiar experience for many attendees. As event producers, our focus is on the room’s setup, configuration, and overall construction when we look around. We consider all aspects, focusing on details for your guests to establish a stronger connection to the cause.

The Common Oversights in Event Organizing

We have watched many event organizers spend so much money on events. Event organizers often overlook how their event influences their goals, regardless of the event’s nature. Frequently, event producers aim to engage the audience with something they value when organizing an event. You want them to connect, become buyers, and join something good for your cause. Event organizers aim to create experiences and forge strong connections with their audience, regardless of the circumstances.

The Art of Building an Impactful Event

When we think of building an event, we think about the way that it’s laid out. We consider the entrance, the inside experience: WHAT they see, WHO they see, WHERE they’re sitting, HOW they move about, HOW they depart. Every Event producers must ponder: What are the last things to think about? What are all those different mini experiences that lead to a lasting impression or a thought? Purposeful events connect people to meaning, forming relationships through carefully crafted mini experiences.

The Power of a Well-Thought Event: Changing Minds and Hearts

That’s what you have the potential to win with an event. You have the potential to really help change someone’s mind, heart, or soul, their happiness, or goodness, or thoughtfulness and reflectiveness. A lot of times people have this great intention with their event, but many don’t spend the time to build it that way. They don’t think through the building enough. They don’t hire the people that can actually help them accomplish this. And so, their results are weak.

The Pitfalls of Overlooking Event Building

Yes, maybe they raised money, maybe they saw large numbers in attendance, but by not thinking through the experience and purpose of the build, they missed the mark in truly aligning with their audience. Instead of focusing on the bigger picture of creating support throughout the year, they focused on the immediate need. Sure, maybe the person had an enjoyable time at the event, but were they given a chance to actually engage with the brand or organization? By not incorporating the brand ethos into the event, the audience may be present, but not engaged.

Choura’s Philosophy: Building Purposeful Events

One of the things that we believe our company really works hard to do, is creating and building events that have purpose to it. Building mini experiences that create connection and what we ultimately call, believability.  Your event’s environment needs to be conducive to what you’re saying or trying to sell your audience. Only when those items are in sync, will your audience be truly engaged and in turn a returning customer or guest.

So, we encourage our customers to think about their event production and build with thoughtfulness, build with creativity, build with meaning and in the end it will come back around.

Looking for inspiration for your event? Check out some of our work examples.

Connect with us on LinkedIn to see what we’re talking about and the projects we’re working on.

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Choura Events: An Experience Company. Building pretty is easy. Building with purpose takes guts. Amongst an industry of order-takers, we don’t fit in. We find out. We’re after the moments that can’t be replicated. The events that transcend walls and transform individuals. To learn more visit us at https://www.choura.co, call us at (310) 320-6200 or email us at info@choura.co. Follow us on Social Media:

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