The COVID-19 pandemic has put many establishments under challenging situations. For one, because of the social distancing and stay-at-home orders, many of them were forced to close up shop, stay home and operate online. Los Angeles outdoor tenting company has been helping local businesses survive the COVID pandemic by creating custom and flexible outdoor tents for safety and comfort of their patrons.
But establishments like restaurants, churches, schools, and special events centers in Los Angeles have still found a way to work despite the pandemic, and you, too, can survive as well.

So how did they do it? The answer is outdoor tents.
Part of keeping safe, according to the CDC, is avoiding indoor spaces with large crowds. In their exact words, they said, “You are less likely to get or spread COVID-19 during outdoor activities. Try to look for seating options that are outside or have proper ventilation with outdoor air, such as tents that have open doors or rolled up sides.”
CDC supports outdoor tents because they help reduce the spread of COVID, and allow businesses to continue to operate successfully.
Are Outdoor Tents Safe?
The straightforward answer is yes. This has caused many confusions recently, especially as regards to dining. As you might know, the coronavirus spreads through droplets–respiratory droplets people might excrete when they talk, laugh, sneeze, or cough. When these droplets land in someone else’s eyes, nose, or mouth, they can contract the virus if the other is infected.
The free flow of air outdoors makes it harder for the virus to spread.
The respiratory droplets that can carry the COVID-19 virus build up differently outdoors than they would indoors. According to Humberto Choi, M.D., a pulmonary and critical care specialist at Cleveland Clinic, “Having adequate ventilation is especially important now that we know COVID-19 can also spread via smaller aerosolized particles. Which can travel farther than six feet under certain circumstances. Airborne transmission like this is most likely to occur when spending an extended amount of time (more than 15 minutes) in close contact with someone indoors.”
Do You Need to Rent Outdoor Tents to Get Your Business in Los Angeles Running?
You have an establishment in Los Angeles and are looking for a way to get your churches, restaurants, or schools running during the pandemic? We can help you.
At Choura, we offer tent rentals plus installation. We offer some of the best quality tents, guaranteed to improve the experience of your guests. Talk to us here.