COVID and the Winter Months with Winter Weather Rentals

The COVID-19 pandemic began in March of 2020 for the United States, with nationwide shut downs. Offices, restaurants, schools, and events shut down completely across the nation as everyone went into quarantine. People stayed at home with the hopes of slowing the spread of the virus. Now that we are 8 months into the pandemic, businesses have begun to open again, even though the amount of cases has not plateaued.
Certain businesses, such as restaurants, have been able to open with new restrictions put in place to increase the safety of workers and customers. These restrictions can look like the enforcement of masks and social distancing, as well as increased sanitation. The CDC has released information regarding the spread of the virus that states that the COVID-19 virus has a lesser chance of transmission outdoors.
Because of this, state governments across the country have allowed for certain businesses to open for exclusively outdoor services. Especially for the Southern California region, where cases are still high, mainly only outdoor dining is allowed at businesses such as restaurants. We are currently heading into the fall and winter months, which means cooler weather and an increased chance of rain. Therefore, outdoor activities may be more difficult to plan. However, companies such as Choura have made an effort with our products to help you and your business prepare for the winter weather with our rentals. Our rental products can help weather proof your business’ outdoor operations to keep you covered throughout the winter.
Choura’s Winter Weather Rentals

The CDC has a comprehensive list of guidelines and precautions that people can take to reduce their risk of infection as they go out. Much of these precautions include keeping a safe distance away from others with masks on. This is easiest to do outdoors, where there is much more air circulation to keep the virus from spreading. Once winter sets in more in the next few weeks, it will be much more difficult for people to remain outdoors when going out.
Cold weather and rain should not stop your customers from being able to enjoy your outdoor spaces. Choura has a wide variety of products to assist with the change in weather in the Southern California region. Specifically our waterproof decking panels, electric heaters/fire pits, rollable wind screens, awnings, roofs, and large scale temporary structures that can help businesses of all types keep their doors open during the winter months. We have already assisted many restaurants, churches, and other businesses continue their operations, and we will continue to do so even with the changing weather. For more information and photos of what we offer and partners we have worked with in the past, visit our website.